Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Way To Success

The Way You Live

What are your thought toward others, is it positive or negative,you see,there are many ways to attract blessings to yourself.If you are good at praying and you have never thought of praying for some one before.Please learn to do so.A saying thus says when you point finger on some one the small finger point back at you.
I believe with this you will have insight on where am driving at.The way you live,the things you do.Always wish even those who hates you blessings and best wishes in all their endeavors,when you do, you get back same blessings even when you don't ask for it.God will always bless you.At the cross of Calvary when Jesus Christ was crucified,he said: father forgive them for they know not what they are doing.This is because of the love he has for us all and even till date he get back the blessings even in a million fold.

Your Next Level

Let me ask you,what is your next level.Many will tell you there plan some will not cause they don't have a plan for their future.A saying thus says that he who does not paln to succeed plan to fail,what does that mean to you.The way you make your bed is how you lye on it.Ir as simple as A,B,C.
I know we all have good plans,anyway,your next level is not far from you.If only you have faith and believe in God,One vers in the bible thus days,ask it shall be given,knock the door shall open,seek and you will find.
This is simply to tell us that everything we want is at our disposal,that is why we all need not to worry.
I always advice,that it always good to learn broad.Learning things that will add values to your life and bring light in you.Update yourself in areas of life that are necessary like The bible,financial books like business news paper,magazines etc.In school we need to learn and understand that is another avenue of updating the mind.
When you fail to learn the mind will be in the dack.

There are other ways of learning,they are:
News:When you keep yourself update,you will surely know the things happening around you.

Books: Your text books is a must if you are still a student,it keeps your mind at peace and help you understand before your teacher teaches you anything.

Bible or Curran: A must,as a Christian or Muslim, you are not keep to studying the world of God.You are missing a lot.When you read the world of God often you learn and understand the real truth that will help elongate your life sperm here on earth.It will make you over come fear.And lot of good thing will come your way,Etc.

Why Hatred?

Hatred, i know we all know what this is,i will tell you something.Life is broad but above all the Word of God supers the things in it.Are you one of them that does not want to love,Are you an enemy of your neighbor,friends,colleagues at work or families,i have to caution you.I f you don't know the enormity of what you are doing please be careful, this is because hatred kills faster more than poison.It a negative thought or feelings towards some one or something.If you really want to get rid of this, you must embrace "LOVE" with love you concer all the thought of the devil and the evil things assigned against you.

Hatred might hinder your success and every good thing that may come your way.A way to win is to "LOVE" from the bottom of your heart.God love us and that is why he said in John 3:16, he said: for God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son that who so ever believe in him will not perish but have everlasting life.Also he proceeded by say in vers 17 that,For God sent his Son into the world not to condemn the world but the world through him might be saved.Now i ask,Why hatred.
My sole advice to you all is learn to love and be your brothers keeper.with this you will surely overcome the world.Read on.

Why Your Fear

Fear is a natural phenomenon that occur when something goes wrong or when we do something illegal.Some times fear occur even when nothing happens,the state of the mind causes it at times,and even wrong imaginations.It always a thing of the heart but you see,in life generally there is doubt of either one thing or the other.We must had encountered one event or the occur or we must have done one thing or the other in the past that brought or caused fear in us.If you caution your motion and always understand the situation around you.
You really need not to fear.A saying thus says that as a man thinket that is how he is. Are a christian, you need not to fear for the bible says a thousand will fall by your side and thousand on your right hand, they will never come near thee.
All this must happen as long as there is life and you have it abundantly.We all know that the only one that need not to fear is the dead.
Even animals does fear so it never a thing to burther yourself with.The perfect solution to overcoming fear is prayer and caution of the things we do,the friends we keep,the places we go and in our daily activities

If i may ask,how many of us are living beyond our imagination,sometimes it good to learn new things but learn it wisely.
Another thing we need to know is learning,there are many ways to learn, yea,people learn in different ways, you can learn in your environment,at school,at work,at fellowship and in any new places we go.
Read more below..

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